<div id="parent">
<div id="passages"></div>
<div id="menu" data-passage="menu">
<!--Side menu, editable in the sidemenu passage-->
// Close the dropdown menu if the user clicks outside of it
function myFunction() {
window.onclick = function(event) {
if (!event.target.matches('.dropbtn')) {
var dropdowns = document.getElementsByClassName("dropup-content");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < dropdowns.length; i++) {
var openDropdown = dropdowns[i];
if (openDropdown.classList.contains('show')) {
</script>/* Do not remove the div, Needed to make the title pretty */<div class="title">inertia</div><h1><<link "inertia" "meeting">><</link>></h1>
<i><b>by gummyghosting</b></i>
<<linkreplace "about">>inertia is a linear work of interactive fiction about closure.
Written for the neotwiny 2024 jam.<</linkreplace>>
<<link "Credits" "Credits">><</link>>
<<link "Settings">><<run UI.settings()>><</link>>
/*You can also add whatever you want*/<<include "StoryDisplayTitle">>
/*<<include "navigation">>*/
<<link 'RESTART'>><<run UI.restart()>><</link>><div class="dropdown">
<a onclick="myFunction()" class="dropbtn">MENU</a>
<div id="myMenu" class="dropup-content">
<<link 'CREDITS'>>
<<popup "Credits" "Credits">>
<<link 'SETTINGS'>><<run UI.settings()>><</link>>
<<link 'RESTART'>><<run UI.restart()>><</link>>
/*You can also add whatever you want, it can also be links to passages rather than dialog boxes*//*This page is currently hidden. Edit the Menu passage to make it appear!*/
<div> <<link '⮘'>><<run Engine.backward()>><</link>> | <<if State.length === State.size>>⮚<<else>><<link '⮚'>><<run Engine.forward()>><</link>><</if>> </div>Here you can put some info about the playerHere you can add some achivementsTemplate created by manonamora ([[Tumblr|https://manonamora-if.tumblr.com/]]/[[Itch|https://manonamora.itch.io/]]) on Twine (v2.7.0)/Tweego with Sugarcube (v2.36.1)
* [[Chapel: Dialog API|https://github.com/ChapelR/custom-macros-for-sugarcube-2/]]
* [[GoogleFonts|https://fonts.google.com]]
* [[OpenDyslexic|https://opendyslexic.org]]
* [[Twinery.org|https://twinery.org/]]
* [[SugarCube 2 Documentation|https://www.motoslave.net/sugarcube/2/docs/]]
* [[SugarCube 2 Guide|https://manonamora.itch.io/twine-sugarcube-guide]]
* [[Twine Resources List|https://www.tumblr.com/manonamora-if/700577877042888704/interactive-fiction-twine-resource-megalist]]
* [[Intfiction.org Forum|https://intfiction.org/c/authoring/twine]]
* [[Reddit r/twinegames|https://www.reddit.com/r/twinegames/]]
* [[Twine Discord|https://discordapp.com/invite/n5dJvPp]]
* [[W3 School|https://www.w3schools.com/]]
<h5>You can find my other templates [[here|https://manonamora.itch.io/twine-sugarcube-templates]].</h5>
<center>He doesn’t know why he’s even entertaining this visit. It’s been years since the last time the two of them sat in the same room, let alone the same table. It was incredibly awkward, but he guesses this was better than the seething hatred they both ended things on before.</center>
<center>[[>>|fiddle]]</center><h1>Heading 1</h1>\
<h2>Heading 2</h2>\
<h3>Heading 3</h3>\
<h4>Heading 4</h4>\
<h5>Heading 5</h5>\
<h6>Heading 6</h6>\
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<center>''Basic Table:''</center>
<th>Column 1</th>
<th>Column 2</th>
<th>Column 3</th>
<td>Item 1</td>
<td>Item 2</td>
<td>Item 3</td>
<td>Item 1</td>
<td>Item 2</td>
<td>Item 3</td>
[[Basic Macros]]
//As a list://
* [[Basic Macros]]
//With Div://
<div class="choice">[[Basic Macros]]</div><h2>Textbox</h2>\
<<textbox "_test" 2>>
<h2>Text Area</h2>\
<<textarea "_pieEssay" "">>
<h2>Radio Buttons</h2>\
What's your favorite pie?
<<radiobutton "_pie" "blueberry" autocheck>> Choice 1
<label><<radiobutton "_pie" "cherry" autocheck>> Choice 2 with a label </label>
<<radiobutton "_pie" "coconut cream" autocheck>> Choice 3
<h2>Number Box</h2>\
<<numberbox "_wager" 100>>
<h2>List Box</h2>\
<<listbox "_answer" autoselect>>
<<option "Option 1">>
<<option "Option 2">>
<<option "Option 3">>
<<cycle "_answers" autoselect>>
<<option "Option 1">>
<<option "Option 2">>
<<option "Option 3">>
<h2>Check Box</h2>\
<<checkbox "_pieBlueberry" false true autocheck>> Option 1
<label><<checkbox "_pieCherry" false true autocheck>> Option 2 with a label</label>
<<checkbox "_pieCoconutCream" false true autocheck>> Option 3
<<button "I do not do anything">><</button>>
<center><<button "Restart?">><<script>>UI.restart();<</script>><</button>> | <<button "Back">><<run Engine.backward()>><</button>></center>
/*You can add/change whatever you want*/
<center>He plays with the condensation of his drink, using a napkin to wipe it off the surface of the table. Making no move to further this situation along. The other man stumbled out his words, the quietness between the two of them in the bustling coffee shop probably became too much to bear. </center>
<center>[[>>|confession]]</center><h25>[[I love you.|sputter]]</h25>
<center>The words are rushed, like it was a sudden realization. Like there was not enough time to say something far too late. He stops himself from rolling his eyes. Wiping the excess water from his hands onto the legs of his old jeans. All the ice had melted in the cup.</center>
<center>[[>>|loved]]</center><h2>I loved you.</h2>
<h2>I said I loved you, [[I don’t anymore.|reject]]</h2><h25>So it’s a rejection?</h25>
<center>This time he allows himself to roll his eyes as he lets out a sigh. He can never catch a break with this guy, always having to spell it out even after being clear.</center>
<h25>[[Why are you rejecting me?|why]]</h25>
<center>Picking up his now lukewarm drink, he gives the man across from him a look as he takes a sip. Giving himself some reprieve before responding to the question already answered.</center>
<h2>Time has passed, and no matter what things change with it. Not to say that you don’t still have the traits I admired about you but…
[[we are different from the past of when I liked you.|liked]]</h2>
<h25>But you liked me.</h25>
<center>The man looks down at his own hands, twiddling his thumbs. He watches the steam from the freshly ordered hot black coffee across the table rise up into the air. Even now he waits far longer for him and that is something he hates about himself. </center>
<h2>[[This is true.|but]]</h2><h2>I can’t hold that space to like you anymore without hurting myself.</h2>
<h25>Is that so? Can’t we go back?</h25>
<h2>We cannot redo what has been done.
And you cannot pretend that neither of us have done harm at the end. Whether it was harm to another or harm to ourselves. [[It was harm]].</h2><center>He watches the man shuffle uncomfortably from his words. Getting up from his seat, he throws his head back to chug down the remaining bit of his watered down coffee in the same way he used to choke back his feelings.
He leaves. Saying nothing more to a ghost of his past, throwing the cup into the bin before stepping out the door. This did not add onto the closure he had given himself, [[what a waste of time.]]</center><h2>I’m happy now. I’m not going to feel bad for the energy I put into doing better now.</h2>
<center>There’s skip in his step.</center>
<center><<link 'RESTART?'>><<run UI.restart()>><</link>></center>